You Can’t Beat ’em

A few weeks ago, the Alley Insider ran this chart:

This is what total economic victory looks like: Amazon is becoming the platform for buying anything.  There are a lot of reasons why, but one has to be the attention to detail that Amazon pays in making it easy for you to buy.  I was reminded of this recently when my Prime subscription came close to expiring.  When I logged in, every single page placed the following banner at the top:

Amazon Prime Expiry

You literally cannot make it easier to buy than this.  They have interrupted me right at the point where I’m making a decision and reduced by decision to “click or don’t click” – there’s nothing else to think.  Sheer genius and I can’t imagine more than about 10 companies on earth being able to deliver this sort of clean, crisp experience.  Attention retailers: do what Amazon does…