Too Transparent

There are lots of articles out there about how what you say and do online can impact your job/job search, particularly given that once Google indexes something, it doesn’t want to give it up.  It’s one thing for the 18-22 year-old set to figure this out; it’s a whole other ball of wax when it’s… Continue reading Too Transparent

The (Behavioural) Economist

I’ve noticed a lot of musings about behavioural economics over the past few months (to the point that Wendy’s currently taking a class on it at Columbia).  A lot of it has been related Richard Thaler‘s recent book Nudge, plus the fact that he frequently consults Austin Goolbee, one of Obama’s top economic advisers. One… Continue reading The (Behavioural) Economist

Just Say No

As I write this, a bailout for the U.S. automakers is winding its way through Congress.  The House has approved it; the Senate looks like it might vote against it.  An auto bailout elicits fierce passions: some people have no sympathy to Detroit due to decades of mismanagement; others claim a car company failure will… Continue reading Just Say No

Maybe Not The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?

Pretty much ever since I’ve entered the workforce, the company to beat has been Google.  They routinely turn up as the most respected/feared/innovative company out there.  They grow by leaps and bounds and suck the best talent up across the world.  They inspire fear, loathing, envy, jealousy and just about every other emotion possible under… Continue reading Maybe Not The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?