Best Metaphor Ever?

Wendy is currently reading Bill Bryson‘s A Short History of Nearly Everything . From it comes the following passage, with possibly the best metaphor ever for the slow pace of geological time: …If you imagine the 4.5 billion odd years of Earth’s history compressed into a normal earthly day, then life begins very early, about… Continue reading Best Metaphor Ever?

On Poetry

Over Christmas I had the chance to grab coffee with my most literary of friends and we got to talking poetry. Specifically, my lack of knowledge about it due to a high school curriculum that consisted almost entirely of Shakespeare’s poorer plays and witless rhyming couplets. I said that I’m willing to give it a… Continue reading On Poetry

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What Are The Odds This Is True?

So here’s a thought for you. According to a recent visit to the German History Museum, at its apogee, the Roman army had 400-500 thousand troops to protect the empire’s 50-60 million inhabitants. Today, the United States military has ~1.5 million active duty personnel and a similar number of reservists (source) to protect its roughly… Continue reading What Are The Odds This Is True?