
I snapped this photo today as I watched this nutter outside the now-closed Balducci’s at 8th and 14th.  I don’t know why, but I thought he kind of captured the moment:

Categorized as Random

Travellin’ Man

Yesterday I had to drive up to the border to renew my visa.  (For technical reasons, you need to apply from outside the country and I’m too cheap to fly).  It was one helluva drive: 658.6 miles (or 1,060 km for my metric friends). This got me wondering: if I had only gone one way,… Continue reading Travellin’ Man

Random Thoughts at NYPL

I spent part of Saturday working at the NYPL branch on 5th & 42nd (it’s the best place to get a desk to work at in the entire city).  Here are a couple of ramblings: In the morning, the reading hall was filled with tourists and people working with Mac computers.  By mid-afternoon there were… Continue reading Random Thoughts at NYPL


These two photos are just so ridiculous that they had to get re-posted here.  God bless the power of the Internet for letting me: a) Discover things like this b) Share them with you