Is That A..?

Check out what was floating in the Hudson today:

Categorized as NYC, Random

BASEd in Kuala Lumpur

I went to Kuala Lumpur in 2006 and shot this photo from the top of the KL Tower: Here’s what it looked like the other day:

Categorized as Random

Timestamps in Django

I’ve recently been playing around with the Django web framework (all non-techies should stop reading this at once).  Here’s a little snippet of code that’s useful if you want to add a timestamp to a model you’re creating: from datetime import datetime class My_Model(models.Model): date_created = models.DateTimeField() date_modified = models.DateTimeField() def save(self): if self.date_created ==… Continue reading Timestamps in Django

Media Backstory

So I went away for the weekend and someone in my neighbourhood was murdered.  However, before you panic, you can rest as the suspect is in custody.  In fact, he’s being interviewed right now.  This is the scene outside Precinct 10: You can’t tell from this photo, but there are in fact six tv vans… Continue reading Media Backstory

Categorized as NYC