Treasures from the Tokyo National Museum

One of the stereotypes of the Japanese has been that they don’t so much as ‘create’ things as take an original idea from somewhere else and then continuously improve on it until it is perfected. Exhibits A, B & C: the car industry (American and German), consumer electronics (American) and ramen noodles (originally Chinese). Perhaps… Continue reading Treasures from the Tokyo National Museum


I recently finished reading Bill Bishop’s The Big Sort. It’s a “big ideas” book and something of a road map to help you understand why the world (or at least America) is what it is today. The book begins with an insight: the 1976 Presidential election was highly competitive and only 26.8% of Americans lived… Continue reading Sorted

New York Tour

People always visit New York and ask me what they should see. I can usually come up with some ideas for everyone, but I’m not really able to provide a comprehensive set of suggestions. However, this weekend at Brooklyn Flea I bought a tour pamphlet, so now people can refer to this blog post. You… Continue reading New York Tour