Hunting for King Tides

If you stay almost anywhere on the coast in Washington, it’s likely that your place may have a cryptic sign saying “Beach Logs Kill:” This is not the name of a bad band, rather a warning that 99% of the time seems unnecessary. Usually the beach logs are high above the highest tide line and… Continue reading Hunting for King Tides

Categorized as Travel Tagged

Trip Report: Mount St. Helens

I’m going to try and do something a little different here and do some trip reports from various short adventures. Ever since I moved to Seattle I’ve been obsessed with Mt. St. Helens. Every kid has heard about how it blew up and flattened everything to the north (not actually all around it – more… Continue reading Trip Report: Mount St. Helens

Categorized as Travel

Yukon Notes

This is a view of downtown Whitehorse from the airport. Just over 20,000 people live here (Except on Sunday afternoon when the only international flight arrives and the population expands by 2.5%). You can walk to downtown: it takes about 15 minutes and you just follow the fence around the end of the landing strip.… Continue reading Yukon Notes

Categorized as Travel Tagged

Paris Notes

Wen and I went to Paris and it rained. Not a gentle mist or a light sprinkle (we live in Seattle; we don’t notice that). No: pounding sheets of rain that soaked you to the bone and swelled the Seine to levels not seen since 1982 and forced the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay to close.… Continue reading Paris Notes