Treasures from the Tokyo National Museum

One of the stereotypes of the Japanese has been that they don’t so much as ‘create’ things as take an original idea from somewhere else and then continuously improve on it until it is perfected. Exhibits A, B & C: the car industry (American and German), consumer electronics (American) and ramen noodles (originally Chinese). Perhaps… Continue reading Treasures from the Tokyo National Museum

Tokyo – Day 2

This morning, Wen and I had our jet lag kick in and were out of the hotel room by 7:00 am. Given that it was so early, we decided to go wing it, and follow the Kanda River around Tokyo. The river loops from the west, up to the north, and then runs east over… Continue reading Tokyo – Day 2

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Tokyo – Day 1

Getting on the plane to Tokyo was a clue that we were going to a wholly different world. The seats were too narrow. You could get free postcards of the plane – on the plane. The meal came with metal knives. The in-flight entertainment system had a ‘Bird View Camera’ that streamed what was below… Continue reading Tokyo – Day 1

A Few Days in Vancouver

Wen and I have spent the past few days in Vancouver. Shortly after we arrived the sun came out and the sky exploded: Since it rains so much here, you find some plant life that kind of feels like it shouldn’t exist in Canada: Here’s an arty shot of a pine tree from below. If… Continue reading A Few Days in Vancouver

Categorized as Travel