Europe Notes

Wen and I just got back from a rapid sprint through London, Paris & Fontainebleau: Looking back, it’s fun to contrast the two capitals. London seems to be a city of repeating motifs; the order of the buildings seems to be almost an apology for the chaotic arrangement of the streets.    Paris on the… Continue reading Europe Notes

48 Hours in Seattle

Inspired by the New York Times’ 36 Hours In… series, Wen and I recently ducked down to Seattle. I love visiting Seattle because it’s a city that is absolutely unlike Vancouver despite the proximity; going there truly feels like a different world. It was a great weekend: lots of walking, eating, taking photos, exploring and… Continue reading 48 Hours in Seattle

Vancouver: Almost a Week In

Wen and I have been in Vancouver for almost a week now. We’ve met great people, eaten phenomenal ramen, drank unreal coffee (everywhere) and even found a place (although we can’t move in until Feb 1). We’re gradually coming to terms with the fact that cars actually stop for you when you want to cross… Continue reading Vancouver: Almost a Week In

Travel Notes

So Wendy and I are wrapping up our travels. As I write this, it’s been 164 days, 12 countries and 43 different cities since we left New York. We’ve traveled by just about every possible mechanism: jet, prop plane, train, subway, dodgy wooden boat, dodgy metal boat, bus, car, rickshaw, camel and elephant. And we’ve… Continue reading Travel Notes

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Why I <3 Berlin

Berlin. I was last here 10 years ago: And now I’m back: Wen and I have been living here for a month now and we’re absolutely loving it. I thought I’d try and explain why, so here – in no particular order – are some of the reason why this is such an incredible city.… Continue reading Why I <3 Berlin