1. Yesterday, Wen and I needed new mugs. Actually, it’s fairer to say that we wanted new mugs. We’ve had the same mugs for 10 years now and they’re showing their age – or perhaps, we’re showing our age and want new mugs. Anyways, that’s all a digression. We went to Walrus to see if… Continue reading Architecture Notes from Vancouver
Tag: architecture
Trapped in Hidden Architecture
There’s a great exhibit on right now at the Charles H. Scott gallery at Emily Carr. Babak Golkar’s Grounds for Standing and Understanding rethinks our everyday relationship to architecture. At the end of the gallery sits an afghan rug; the patterns have been perfectly extruded to create a speculative cityscape. To get to the rug… Continue reading Trapped in Hidden Architecture
Why I <3 Berlin
Berlin. I was last here 10 years ago: And now I’m back: Wen and I have been living here for a month now and we’re absolutely loving it. I thought I’d try and explain why, so here – in no particular order – are some of the reason why this is such an incredible city.… Continue reading Why I <3 Berlin
Istanbul. The chaos of 13 million lives. A city bursting at the seams and simultaneously thriving. A place where you cannot escape over 2,000 years of history – nor would you want to. Where the East literally meets the West but it feels more like modern meets ancient. A fantastic place to spend a few… Continue reading Istanbul
1. When I was a kid, I thought that ‘Yogyakarta’ was a stupid name. I mean, here’s an island (with the same name as the street I grew up on, hence the youthful interest) with a capital called Jakarta (birthplace of the American president!) and – on the same island – they name one of… Continue reading Yogyakarta